Category Archives: RICHARD WRITES

Hello! 😀

Welcome to my little corner here!

When I’m not calling myself Amos, as part of Amos Cassidy – the writing duo featuring yours truly and the fabulous Cassidy; aka Debbie Cassidy, I also go by the name Richard-James Amos. Cassidy and myself share a brain, but we also have some stories and things that linger in our heads that need to be told alone, not as the loopy twosome.

I’m a daydreamer, someone who likes to hop onto his dragon and take to the skies, off to see what I can find above and below and to the side. My head is always up there with the stars. One of them is a good friend of mine. His name is Bill and he’s a diamond! Oh, and he makes a mean cup of tea…knows how to get the balance of milk and tea just right…

I currently have a novel in progress, one that keeps me up at night – as do the coming Amos Cassidy projects! It looks like it might be a two-book story, but who knows where it will lead… Loving it! Oh, did I mention we’re currently working on Crimson Chaos, the 4th book in the Crimson Series? 😉 Also loving it! 

I will keep you posted on my solo novel’s progress as the months roll by 😀 And keep an eye out for some short fiction and things from me on here too 🙂

Cheers very much!


